Its use is to convert "snd" resources as used by the Mac II System beep (Format 1), to "snd" resources as used by HyperCard (Format 2).
Both formats permit a lot of variations. This stack and program only convert the simplest forms: digitized sound and at most one "play" command. Other formats are not touched.
Transfer all sounds you want to play into that stack. Then simply enter "HyperSound" into the message box. That's All Folks. All sound data found in the current stack will now be playable from HyperCard (hopefully; most formats are recognized).
This XCMD is freeware. If you find it useful, send me a disk with a lot of (proferably new) stack- or other ware. You'll get the disk back if you want it. Downloading is just pretty expensive from Germany. Uploading even more so…